Our Environment
The School is situated in a converted family home, which provides a welcoming environment for our young children. We are very fortunate to have beautiful and very well equipped learning and play spaces inside and outside for the children.
All learning environments within Killarney promote inclusive, flexible, open-ended experiences that are accessible to all children, where they are able to engage to a level they feel comfortable.
The large outdoor undercover area provides flexibility to our program, even on a rainy day.
Children discover nature through our herb and vegetable garden, playing in the sand pit or enjoying water play.
The children are able to engage in art activities, challenge their skills on swings, bridges and ropes, obstacle courses, imaginary scenarios, music and movement experiences.
The outdoor play area is made up of a combination of natural play spaces and man-made structures. Our extensive outdoor play area provides a wonderful opportunity for children to develop their gross motor skills.
The teachers follow the childrens’ interests when setting up experiences.
Learning opportunities abound inside our preschool with a variety of resources and activities to challenge and extend childrens’ development, from painting, dramatic play and puzzles, to early literacy, numeracy and language skills.
We do not provide formal lessons in the way that a school does. Children are immersed in an environment that is stimulating and full of opportunities for expression of meaning.
Group times (both small and whole class) are held throughout the day and cover a broad range of interest based topics, intentional teaching (including our sharing circle and Indigenous program), children’s news, library and music and movement.